I am sure that all of you, like me, have many fond memories of Jadzia Dax from over the past 6 years. I invite you to share those memories with us by sending them into me here. It can include quotes or actually memories. I hope you enjoy the ones that I have up so far and PLEASE send your own in too.
Submitted by Jadzia005:
I wil always remember Jadzia Dax as the only officer on the station to like a good laugh. She was easy going. She was the most beautiful person.
"This is a story of a little ship that took a little trip" ~Worf to Jadzia
Submitted by Daxsy:
I will always remember when Dax used to play practical jokes on Odo--ie-moving his furniture around when he was regenerating. Her humor was probably one of the most beautiful values in her, and I miss her already. I am putting together my own Dax memorial at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/4514/daxpage.html
Submitted by Parmoooo...
Ok- my favorite Dax & Worf scene is that one scene in Change of Heart, where she covers his shoulders with the blanket, and they sit there, listening to the animal noises. I loved that scene.
Submitted by JDelor:
I Think one of the memories of Dax and Worf that I can recall was the saddest one of all, when jadzia died on the biobed. "Our Baby would have been so beutiful". (Dax to Worf) ["Tears Of The Prophets"] The reason why this memory comes to mind is because it was one of the most dramitic moments in DS9's history.
Submitted by Ginomo:
It's my favorite JW scene, though they've had some awsome one's since then. It's when I first noticed what great chemistry they have together. In Sons of Mogh, they way they flirted and teased each other in the holosuite was amazing. "You thought that I wore this for YOU? Talk about overconfidence."
Submitted by Mel Domingo:
Did you notice that whenever Worf goes away on some mission, Jadzia always gives him something to come back to.
1) " In purgatory's Shadow" - Dax takes Worf's "precious" operas
2) " A call to arms" - Dax tells him that she'll marry him
3) " Tears of the Prophets" - Dax says about having a baby, " We have a lot of work to do when you get back."
Submitted by Amy Bitter:
"You ARE capable of anything."
-Worf (to Dax)
I have a memory for your Dax tribute, too. It's not really a Dax memory, but I will always remember meeting Terry and Michael. They have such chemistry together and it really shows through on screen.