J/W FanFic

J/W FanFic

Here is some of my favorite J/W fanfic that I've found on the net. If you have written any that you think I would like to use on my page (and is rated PG-13 or lower) please email it to me here!! Also, just like the rest of Star Trek the Paramount copyrighted stuff is, well, copyrighted by Paramount. The rest of the story of each is copyright their author which is noted at the top.

Epiphany-[Rated G]- by Seema of The Write Connection.
Jadzia's thoughts before Looking for Par'Mach . . .

The following two were written by Ginomo of Jadzia and Worf's Par'Mach Page.
Seperation Part I and Part II-[PG-13+]- what could have happened at the end of season 5.

Enterprise E-[PG-13+]- Worf must decide whether to go back to the Enterprise or not.

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